פרופ' אסתר אשל
בנין הפקולטה ליהדות 410, חדר 236
שעות קבלה
יום ג' בין 12:00- 11:00.
קורות חיים
קורות חיים
תחומי התמחות ועניין:
התנ"ך; ספרות תקופת בית שני; אפיגרפיה (חקר כתובות) של תקופת בית ראשון ובית שני.
פרופסור אסתר אשל, המחלקה לתנ"ך, והמחלקה ללימודי א"י וארכיאולוגיה
רשימת פרסומים
A. Refereed Publications
Book (as author)
- Jonas C. Greenfild, Michael E. Stone and Esther Eshel, The Aramaic Levi Document (Studia in Veteris Testamenti Pseudepigrapha, 19). Leiden 2004. [281 pages].
- A. Kloner, E. Eshel, H. Korzakova and G. Finkielsztejn, Maresha III: Epigraphic Finds from the 1989-2000 Seasons (IAA Reports, No. 45). Jerusalem 2010. [440 pages].
- S. Ahituv, E. Eshel Z. Meshel and T. Ornan, The YHWH of Teman and his asheraL The Inscriptions and Drawings from Kuntillet 'Ajrud ('Horvat Teman') in Sinai. Jerusalem 2015 [In Hebrew; 150 pages].
Books (as editor)
- Esther Eshel and Yigal Levin (eds.), "See, I will bring a scroll recounting what befell me" (Ps 40:8): Epigraphy and Daily Life - From the Bible to the Talmud Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Hanan Eshel (Journal of Ancient Judaism. Supplements Band 12) Göttingen, 2014.
- S. Ahituv, and E. Eshel , The YHWH of Teman and his asheraL The Inscriptions and Drawings from Kuntillet 'Ajrud ('Horvat Teman') in Sinai. Jerusalem 2015 [In Hebrew; 150 pages].
- M. Maeir, A. Berlejung, E. Eshel, and T.M. Oshima (eds.), New Perspectives on Aramaic Epigraphy in Mesopotamia, Qumran, Egypt, and Idumea: Proceedings of the Joint RIAB Minerva Center and the Jeselsohn Epigraphic Center of Jewish History Research on Israel and Aram in Biblical Time II. Leiden 2021.
- E. Eshel and M. Langlois, (eds.) The Scribe in the Biblical World (BZAW 547). Berlin 2023.
Articles and Chapters in Books
- E. and H. Eshel, "4Q471 Fragment 1 and Ma‘amadot in the War Scroll", in J. Trebolle Barrera and L. Vegas Montaner (eds.), The Madrid Qumran Congress, vol. II (Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah vol. XI,2) Leiden, New York and Köln 1992, pp. 611-620.
- E. Eshel and M. Stone, "Exposition on the Patriarchs (4Q464)"; "Narrative (4Q464a)"; "Unclassified Fragments (4Q464b)", in J. VanderKam and others (eds.), Qumran Cave 4, XIV (DJD XIX). Oxford 1995, pp. 215-234.
- H. and E. Eshel, "Ma‛amadot in the War Scroll and their significance for Understanding the Qumran View about Collecting the Payment for the Tamid", in Y. Friedman, Z. Safrai and J. Schwartz (eds.), Hikrei Eretz: Studies in the History of the Land of Israel, Dedicated to Prof. Yehuda Feliks. Ramat-Gan 1997, pp. 223-234 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel, "Personal Names in the Qumran Sect", in A. Demsky, J.A. Reif and J. Tabory (eds.), These Are The Names: Studies in Jewish Onomastics. Ramat Gan 1997, pp. 39-52.
- E. Eshel, "4Q414 Fragment 2: Purification of A Corpse Contaminated Person", in M. Bernstein, F. García Martínez and J. Kampen (eds.), Legal Texts and Legal Issues: Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the IOQS, Cambridge 1995, Published in Honour of Joseph M. Baumgarten. Leiden 1997, pp. 3-10.
- F.M. Cross and E. Eshel, "The 'Yahad' (Community) Ostracon", in A. Roitman (ed.), A Day at Qumran: The Dead Sea Sect and Its Scrolls. The Israel Museum, Jerusalem 1997, pp. 38-40.
- E. Eshel, "Hermeneutical Approaches to Genesis in the Dead Sea Scrolls", in J. Frishman and L. Van Rompay (eds.), The Book of Genesis in Jewish and Oriental Christian Interpretation (Traditio Exegetica Graeca, 5). Louvain 1997, pp. 1-12.
- E. Eshel, H. Eshel and A. Yardeni, "4Q448. Apocryphal Psalm and Prayer", in E. Eshel et al. (eds.), Qumran Cave 4: VI, Poetical and Liturgical Texts, Part 1 (DJD, XI). Oxford 1998, pp. 403-425, Pl. XXXII.
- E. Eshel, "Inscriptions on Storage-jars from the Tetradrachm Cave", in H. Eshel and D. Amit (eds.), Refuge Caves of the Bar Kokhba Revolt. Tel-Aviv 1998, pp. 205-209 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel, "The Identification of the 'Speaker' of the Self-Glorification Hymn", in D.W. Parry and E.C. Ulrich (eds.), The Provo International Conference on the Dead Sea Scrolls: Technological Innovations, New Texts, and Reformulated Issues. Leiden, Boston and Köln 1999, pp. 619-635.
- E. Eshel, "414. 4QRitual of Purification A", in J. Baumgarten et al. (eds.), Qumran Cave 4: XXV (DJD, XXXV). Oxford 1999, pp. 135-154.
- E. Eshel, "Prayer in Qumran and the Synagogue", in B. Ego, A. Lange and P. Pilhofer (eds.), Gemeinde ohne Tempel: Community without Temple. Tübingen 1999, pp. 323-334.
- E. Eshel, "4Q71b. Self-Glorification Hymn (=4QHe frg. 1?)", in E. Chazon et al. (eds.), Qumran Cave 4: XX, Poetical and Liturgical Texts, Part 2 (DJD, XXIX). Oxford 1999, pp. 421-432.
- E. Eshel, "471c. 4QPrayer Concerning God and Israel", in E. Chazon et al., Qumran Cave 4: XX, Poetical and Liturgical Texts, Part 2 (DJD, XXIX). Oxford 1999, pp. 433-435.
- E. Eshel, "Jeremiah, Book of", in L.H. Schiffman and J.C. VanderKam (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls, vol. 1. Oxford 2000, pp. 397-400.
- E. Eshel, "Leviticus, Book of", in L.H. Schiffman and J.C. VanderKam (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls, vol. 1. Oxford 2000, pp. 488-493.
- E. Eshel and H. Eshel, "Recensions and Editions of the War Scroll", in L.H. Schiffman, E. Tov and J.C. VanderKam (eds.), The Dead Sea Scrolls, Fifty Years After Their Discovery. Proceedings of the Jerusalem Congress, July 20-25, 1997. Jerusalem 2000, pp. 351-363.
- M. Broshi and E. Eshel, "248. 4QHistorical Text A", in S. J. Pfann et al., Qumran Cave 4: XXVI, Cryptic Texts and Miscellanea, Part 1) (DJD, XXXVI). Oxford 2000, pp. 192-200.
- E. Eshel and H. Eshel, "471. 4QWar Scroll-like Text B", in S. J. Pfann et al., Qumran Cave 4: XXVI, Cryptic Texts and Miscellanea, Part 1 (DJD, XXXVI). Oxford 2000, pp. 439-445.
- E. Eshel and M. Kister, "471a. 4QPolemic Text", in S. J. Pfann et al., Qumran Cave 4: XXVI, Cryptic Texts and Miscellanea, Part 1 (DJD, XXXVI). Oxford 2000, pp. 446-449.
- E. Eshel, "477. 4QRebukes Reported by the Overseer", in S. J. Pfann et al., Qumran Cave 4: XXVI, Cryptic Texts and Miscellanea, Part 1 (DJD, XXXVI). Oxford 2000, pp. 474-483.
- F. M. Cross and E. Eshel, "1. KhQOstracon", in S. J. Pfann et al., Qumran Cave 4: XXVI, Cryptic Texts and Miscellanea, Part 1 (DJD, XXXVI). Oxford 2000, pp. 497-507.
- F. M. Cross and E. Eshel, "2. KhQOstracon", in S. J. Pfann et al., Qumran Cave 4: XXVI, Cryptic Texts and Miscellanea, Part 1 (DJD, XXXVI). Oxford 2000, pp. 508.
- E. Eshel, "3. KhQOstracon", in S. J. Pfann et al., Qumran Cave 4: XXVI, Cryptic Texts and Miscellanea, Part 1 (DJD, XXXVI). Oxford 2000, pp. 509-512.
- E. Eshel and M. Broshi, "Historical Text (4Q248), in J. Schwartz, Z. Amar and I. Ziffer (eds.), Jerusalem and Eretz Israel: Arie Kindler Volume. Tel Aviv 2000, pp. 111-118 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel and H. Eshel, "2. Jericho papDeed of Sale or Lease ar", in J. Charlesworth et al. Miscellaneous Texts from the Judaean Desert (DJD, XXXVIII). Oxford 2000, pp. 31-36.
- E. Eshel and H. Eshel, "3. Jericho papDeed of Sale ar", in J. Charlesworth et al. Miscellaneous Texts from the Judaean Desert (DJD, XXXVIII). Oxford 2000, pp. 37-41.
- E. Eshel, "6. Jericho papUnidentified Texts ar", in J. Charlesworth et al. Miscellaneous Texts from the Judaean Desert (DJD, XXXVIII). Oxford 2000, pp. 53-54.
- E. Eshel, H. Eshel and H. Misgav, "7. Jericho papSale of Date Crop ar", in J. Charlesworth et al. Miscellaneous Texts from the Judaean Desert (DJD, XXXVIII). Oxford 2000, pp. 55-61.
- E. Eshel, "Possible Sources of the Book of Daniel", in J.J. Collins and P.W. Flint (eds.), The Book of Daniel. Leiden, Boston and Köln 2001, pp. 387-394.
- E. Eshel, "An Abecedary Inscription", in D. R. Edwards, "Khirbet Qana: from Jewish Village to Christian Pilgrim Site", in J.H. Humphry (ed.), The Roman and Byzantine Near East, vol. 3. Portsmouth 2002 (Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series, 49), p. 116.
- E. Eshel and H. Eshel, "The Date of the Samaritan Pentateuch in the Light of the Biblical Scrolls from Qumran", in E. Stern and H. Eshel (eds.), The Samaritans. Jerusalem 2002, pp. 129-152 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel and H. Eshel, "Dating the Samaritan Pentateuch’s Compilation in Light of the Qumran Biblical Scrolls", in S.M. Paul, R.A. Kraft, L.H. Schiffman and W.W. Fields (eds.), Emanuel: Studies in Hebrew Bible, Septuagint and Dead Sea Scrolls in Honor of Emanuel Tov. Leiden and Boston 2003, pp. 215-240.
- E. Eshel, "Genres of Magical Texts in the Dead Sea Scrolls", in A. Lange, H. Lichtenberger and K.F.D. Römheld (eds.), Die Dämonen. Tübingen 2003, pp. 395-415.
- E. Eshel, "Aramaic Ostraca from Areas W and X-2" in H. Geva (ed.), Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem, conducted by Nahman Avigad, 1969-1982. Vol. II: The Finds from A, W and X-2, Final Report. Jerusalem 2003, pp. 401-404.
- H. Eshel and E. Eshel, "Separating Levi from Enoch: Response to 'Enoch, Levi, and Peter: Recipients of Revelation in Upper Galilee'", in J. Neusner and E.J. Avery-Pech (eds.), George W.E. Nickelsburg in Perspective: An Ongoing Dialogue of Learning. Leiden 2003, pp. 458-468.
- E. Eshel, "Apotropaic Prayers in Second Temple Period", in E.G. Chazon (ed.), Liturgical Perspectives: Prayer and Poetry in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls (STDJ 48). Leiden and Boston 2003, pp. 69-88.
- E. Eshel, "The Bible in the Dead Sea Scrolls", in A. Berlin and M.Z. Brettler (eds.), The Jewish Study Bible. Oxford 2004, pp. 1920-1928.
- E. Eshel and D.R. Edwards, "Language and Writing in Early Roman Galilee", in D.R. Edwards (ed.), Religion and Society in Roman Palestine. New York and London 2004, pp. 49-55.
- E. Eshel, "Jubilees 32 and the Bethel Cult Traditions in Second Temple Literature", in E.G. Chazon, D. Satran and R.A. Clements (eds.), Things Revealed: Studies in Early Jewish and Christian Literature in Honor of Michael E. Stone. Leiden and Boston 2004, pp. 21-36.
- E. Eshel, "Three Inscriptions from Horbat Rogem", in R. Cohen and R. Cohen-Amin (eds.), Ancient Settlement of the Negev Highlands (IAA Reports, No. 20). Jerusalem 2004, pp. 16*-17*.
- E. Eshel, “Jesus the Exorcist in Light of Epigraphic Sources”, in J.H. Charlesworth (ed.), Jesus and Archaeology. Grand Rapids 2006, pp. 178-185.
- E. Eshel, “Chapter Thirteen: Hebrew and Aramaic Inscriptions”, in H. Geva (ed.), Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem, conducted by Nahman Avigad, 1969-1982. Vol. III: Area E and Other Studies, Final Report. Jerusalem 2006, pp. 301-306.
- E. Eshel, “Chapter Nineteen: Hebrew and Aramaic Inscriptions from the Jewish Quarter”, in H. Geva (ed.), Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem, conducted by Nahman Avigad, 1969-1982. Vol. III: Area E and Other Studies, Final Report. Jerusalem 2006, pp. 389-407.
- M. Bernstein and E. Eshel, “Gensis Apocryphon”, The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible. Nashville 2006, vol. 2, pp. 538-539.
- E. Eshel, “The Imago Mundi of the Genesis Apocryphon”, in L. LiDonnici and A. Lieber (eds.), Heavenly Tablets: Interpretation, Identity and Tradition in Ancient Judaism (Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 119). Leiden and Boston 2007, pp. 111-131.
- E. Eshel, “The Onomasticon of Mareshah in the Persian and Hellenistic Periods” , in O. Lipschits, G.N. Knoppers and R. Albertz (eds.), Judah and the Judeans in the Fourth Century B.C.E.. Winona Lake, Indiana 2007, pp. 145-156.
- E. Eshel, “Two Aramaic Ostraca from Mareshah”, in Y. Levine (ed.), A Time of Change: Judah and its Neighbours in the Persian and Hellenistic Periods. London and New York 2007, pp. 171-178.
- E. Eshel and H. Eshel, “A Late Iron Age Hebrew letter Containing the Word Noqedim”, in C. Cohen et al., (eds.), Birkat Shalom: Studies in the Bible, Ancient Near Eastern Literature, and Postbiblical Judaism Presented to Shalom M. Paul on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday. Vinona Lake, Indiana 2008, pp. 571-584.
- E. Eshel, “The Dream Visions of the Noah Story of the Genesis Apocryphon and Related Texts”, in A. Klostergaard Petersen et al., (eds.), Northern Lights on the Dead Sea Scrolls: Proceedings of the Nordic Qumran Network 2003-2006 (STDJ 80). Leiden and Boston 2009, pp. 41-61.
- E. Eshel, “Biblical Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha in the Light of the Qumran Scrolls”, in M. Kister (ed.), The Qumran Scrolls And Their World. Vol. 2. Jerusalem 2009, pp. 573-600 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel, “The Aramaic Levi Document, The Genesis Apocryphon, and Jubilees: A Study of Shared Traditions”, in G. Boccaccini and G. Ibba (eds.), Enoch and the Mosaic Torah: The Evidence of Jubilees. Grand Rapids. 2009, pp. 82-98.
- E. Eshel, H. Eshel and G. Geiger, “Mur 174: A Hebrew I.O.U. Document from Wadi Murabba‘at”, in H. Eshel and R. Porat, Refuge Caves of the Bar Kokhba Revolt, Second Volume. Jerusalem 2009, pp. 527-538 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel, H. Eshel and A. Yardeni, “’Year Four of the Destruction of the House of Israel’”, in H. Eshel and R. Porat, Refuge Caves of the Bar Kokhba Revolt, Second Volume. Jerusalem 2009, pp. 539-553 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel, “The Dream Visions in the Noah Story of the Genesis Apocryphon and Related Texts”, in K. De Troyer and Armin Lange (eds.), Prophecy after the Prophets?: The Contribution of the Dead Sea Scrolls to the Understanding of Biblical and Extra-Biblical Prophecy. Leuven 2009, pp. 119-132.
- E. Eshel, "The Noah Cycle in the Genesis Apocryphon", in M.E. Stone, A. Amihay, and V. Hillel (eds.), Noah and His Book(s) (Early Judaism and Its Literature 28), Atlanta 2010, pp. 77-95.
- E. Eshel, "The Genesis Apocryphon and Other Related Aramaic Texts from Qumran: The Birth of Noah", in K. Berthelot and D. Stökl Ben Ezra (eds.), Aramaica Qumranica: Proceedings of the Conference on the Aramaic Texts from Qumran in Aix-en-Provence, 30 June- 2 July 2008 (STDJ 94). Leiden and Boston 2010, pp. 277-294.
- E. Eshel and D.C. Harlow, "Demons and Exorcism", in J.J. Collins and D.C. Harlow (eds.), The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism. Grand Rapids 2010, pp. 531-533.
- E. Eshel, "Genesis Apocryphon"; "Jonathan the King Text (4Q448)"; "Self-Glorification Hymn", in J.J. Collins and D.C. Harlow (eds.), The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism. Grand Rapids 2010, pp. 664-667; 821-822; 1215.
- E. Eshel, “Chapter 2: Inscriptions in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Phoenician Script”, in A. Kloner, E. Eshel, H. Korzakova and G. Finkielsztejn, Maresha III: Epigraphic Finds from the 1989-2000 Seasons (IAA Reports, No. 45). Jerusalem 2010, pp. 35-88; 227-236.
- E. Eshel, "The Genesis Apocryphon: A Chain of Traditins", in A.D. Roitman, L.H. Schiffman and S. Tzoref (eds.), The Dead Sea Scrolls and Contemporary Culture Proceedings of the International Conference held at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem (July 6-8, 2008) (STDJ 93), Leiden and Boston 2011, pp. 181-193.
- E. Eshel, "Aramaic Texts from Qumran in Light of New Epigraphic Finds", in A. Lange, E. Tov, and M. Weigold (eds.), The Dead Sea Scrolls in Context: Integrating the Dead Sea Scrolls in the Study of Ancient Texts, Languages, and Cultures. Leiden 2011, pp. 177-197.
- A. Faust and E. Eshel, "An Inscribed Bulla with Grazing Doe from Tel 'Eton", in M.J. Lundberg, S. Fine And W.T. Pitard (eds.), Puzzling Out the Past: Studies in Northwest Semitic Languages and Literature in Honor of Bruce Zuckerman, Leiden 2012, pp. 63-70.
- S. Ahituv, E. Eshel and Z. Meshel, "Chapter 5: The Inscriptions", in Z. Meshel, Kuntillet 'Ajrud (Horvat Teman): An 8th Century BCE Religious Site on Judah's Sinai Border, Jerusalem 2012, pp. 73-142.
- Boaz Zissu, Boaz Langford, Avner Ecker and Esther Eshel, "A Graffito Bearing the Name of Trajan in a Cave at Kh. ʾArâk Hâla North of Bet Guvrin", in D. Amit, G.D. Stiebel O. Peleg-Barkat and D. Ben-Ami (eds.), New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and its Regio, Collected Papers Volume VI, Jerusalem 2012, pp. 110-121 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel, "Herod's Workers: The Graffiti Evidence from the Area of the Theater at Herodium – The Aramaic Inscription", in D. Amit, G.D. Stiebel O. Peleg-Barkat and D. Ben-Ami (eds.), New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and its Region, Collected Papers Volume VI, Jerusalem 2012, pp. 199-201 [Hebrew].
- Esther Eshel, "Chapter 14: Hebrew and Aramaic Inscriptions from Jericho and Cypros", in R. Bar-Nathan and J. Gärtner (eds.), Hasmonean and Herodian Palaces at Jericho: Final Report of 1973-1987 Excavations, Vol. V: Finds from Jericho and Cypros. Jerusalem 2013, pp. 299-304.
- E. Eshel and Michael E. Stone, "Judaism in Palestine in the Hellenistic-Roman Periods", in W. Adler (ed.), The Cambridge History of Religions in the Ancient World, Volume 2. Cambridge, UK, 2013, pp. 87-115.
- Aren M. Maeir and Esther Eshel, "Four Short Alphabetic Inscriptions from Late Iron Age IIA Tell es-Safi/Gath and Their Implications for the Development of Literacy in Iron Age Philistia and Environs". In: E. Eshel and Y. Levin (eds.), "See, I will bring a scroll recounting what befell me" (Ps 40:8): Epigraphy and Daily Life - From the Bible to the Talmud Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Hanan Eshel. Göttingen 2013, pp. 69-88.
- Boaz Zissu, Boaz Langford, Avner Ecker and Esther Eshel, "Aramaic and Latin Graffiti in an Underground Complex at Khirbet ‛Arâk Hâla, North of Bet Guvrin". In: E. Eshel and Y. Levin (eds.), "See, I will bring a scroll recounting what befell me" (Ps 40:8): Epigraphy and Daily Life - From the Bible to the Talmud Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Hanan Eshel. Göttingen 2013, pp. 123-142.
- E. Eshel, "Paleography of the Semitic Judean Desert Scrolls", in J.A. Hackett and W.E. Aufrect (eds.), "An Eye for Form": Epigraphic Essays in Honor of Frank Moore Cross (Winona Lake, Indiana, 2014), pp. 334-351.
- M.E. Stone and Esther Eshel, "Aramaic Levi Document", in: L.H. Feldman, J.L. Kugel and L.H. Schiffman (eds.), Outside the Bible: Ancient Jewish Writings Related to Scripture. Philadelphia, 2013, vol. 2, pp. 1490-1506.
- E. Eshel, "Self Glorification Hymn", in: L.H. Feldman, J.L. Kugel and L.H. Schiffman (eds.), Outside the Bible: Ancient Jewish Writings Related to Scripture. Philadelphia, 2013, vol. 2, pp. 1924-1926.
- E. Eshel, "Chapter 8: Iron Age, Phoenician and Aramaic Inscriptions", in I. stern (ed.), The Excavations of Maresha Subterranean Complex 57: The 'Heliodorus' Cave (the BAR International Series 2652), Oxford 2014, pp. 77-94.
- E. Eshel, " Chapter 14: The Hebrew and Aramaic Inscriptions from the Area of the Tomb at Herodium" in R. Porat, R. Chachy, and Y. Kalman, Herodium: Final Reports of the 1972–2010 Excavations Directed by Ehud Netzer, Volume I, Herod's Tomb Precict. Jerusalem 2015, pp. 460-473.
- Esther Eshel, "MS 4612/3. 11Q(?)Eschatological Fragment ar ", in T. Elgvin (ed.), Gleanings from the Caves. Dead Sea Scrolls and Artifacts from The Schøyen Collection (London, T&T Clark, 2016), pp. 295-298.
- E. Eshel, Hanan Eshel and Årstein Justnes, "XJudg with MS 2861 (Judg 4:5-6)", in T. Elgvin (ed.), Gleanings from the Caves. Dead Sea Scrolls and Artifacts from The Schøyen Collection (London, T&T Clark, 2016), pp. 193-201.
- E. Eshel, Hanan Eshel and Årstein Justnes, “XJudg with MS 2861 (Judg 4:5-6)”, in: T. Elgvin (ed.), Gleanings from the Caves. Dead Sea Scrolls and Artifacts from The Schøyen Collection. London, T&T Clark, 2016, pp. 193-201.
- E. Eshel, “Tribute to Michael E. Stone”, in: DiTommaso, Lorenzo, Matthias Henze, and William Adler (eds.), The Embroidered Bible: Studies in Biblical Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha in Honour of Michael E. Stone (Studia in Veteris Testamenti Pseudepigrapha 26). Leiden and Boston, 2017, pp. 33-39.
- E. Eshel, “Chapter Nine: Two Hebrew Inscriptions from Area Q”, in: H. Geva (ed.), Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem. Conducted by Nahman Avigad, 1969–1982, Vol. VII: Areas Q, H and O-2 and Other Studies, Final Report. Jerusalem 2017, pp. 148-153.
- E. Eshel, N. Szanton, and J. Uziel, “An Iron Age II Inscription from the City of David”, in: I. Shai and others (eds.), Tell it in Gath: Studies in the History and Archaeology of Israel, Essays in Honor of A. M. Maeir on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday (AAT). Wiessbaden, 2018, pp. 1009-1017.
- E. Eshel and M. Langlois, “Chapter 12: The Aramaic Divination Texts”, in: I. Stern (ed.), Excavations at Maresha Subterranean Complex 169, Final Report, Seasons 2000-2016. Annual of The Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology No. XI. Jerusalem. 2019, pp. 213-223.
- E. Eshel and Ian Stern, “Divination Texts from Maresha” in A.M. Maeir, A. Berlejung, E. Eshel, and T.M. Oshima (eds.), New Perspectives on Aramaic Epigraphy in Mesopotamia, Qumran, Egypt, and Idumea: Proceedings of the Joint RIAB Minerva Center and the Jeselsohn Epigraphic Center of Jewish History Research on Israel and Aram in Biblical Time II. Leiden 2021.
- E. Eshel, M. Langlois and M. Geller, “The Aramaic Divination Texts”, in B. Hensel, E. Ben Zvi and D V. Edelman (eds.), About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period: Recent Research and Approaches from Archaeology, Hebrew Bible Studies and Ancient Near East Studies . 2022, pp. 302-317.
- E. Eshel, “Combining different Types of Scripts in the Aramaic texts”, in: E. Eshel and M. Langlois, (eds.) The Scribe in the Biblical World: A Bridge Between Scripts, Languages and Cultures (BZAW 547). Berlin 2023, pp. 233-248.
Articles in periodicals
- S. Talmon and E. Eshel, "'והמשכיל בעת ההיא ידם' (Amos 5:13)", Shnaton, An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 10 (1990), pp. 115-122 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel, "4QDeutn - A Text That Has Undergone Harmonistic Editing", HUCA 62 (1991), pp. 117-154.
- E. Eshel, H. Eshel and A. Yardeni, "A Scroll from Qumran which includes part of Ps. 154 and a prayer for King Jonathan", Tarbiz 60 (1991), pp. 295-324 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel, "4QDeutn - A Text That Has Undergone Harmonistic Editing", HUCA 62 (1991), pp. 117-154.
- E. Eshel, H. Eshel and A. Yardeni, "A Qumran Composition Containing Part of Ps. 154 and a Prayer for the Welfare of King Jonathan and his Kingdom", IEJ 42 (1992), pp. 199-240.
- E. Eshel and H. Eshel, "Fragments of Two Aramaic Documents which were Brought to Abi'or Cave during the Bar-Kokhba Revolt", Eretz-Israel 23 (1992), pp. 276-285 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel and M. Kister, "A Polemic Qumran Fragment", JJS 43 (1992), pp. 277-281.
- M. Stone and E. Eshel, "An Exposition on the Patriarchs (4Q464) and Two Other Documents (4Q464a and 4Q464b)", Le Muséon 105 (1992), pp. 243-264.
- E. Eshel and M. Stone, "The Holy Language at the End of the Days in Light of a New Fragment found at Qumran", Tarbiz 62 (1993), pp. 169-177 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel and M.E. Stone, "A New Fragment of 4QDeuth", JBL 112/3 (1993) pp. 487-488.
- E. Eshel, "4Q477: The Rebukes by the Overseer", JJS 45 (1994), pp. 111-122.
- E. Eshel and A. Kloner, "An Aramaic Ostracon of an Edomite Marriage Contract from Maresha, dated 176 B.C.E. and its contribution to the Jewish Ketubbah", Tarbiz 63 (1994), pp. 485-502 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel, "4QLevd: A Possible Source for the Temple Scroll and Miqṣat Ma‘aśe ha-Torah", Dead Sea Discoveries 2/1 (1995), pp. 1-13.
- E. Eshel and A. Kloner, "An Aramaic Ostracon of an Edomite Marriage Contract from Maresha, Dated 176 B.C.E.", IEJ 46 (1996), pp. 1-22.
- R. Avner and E. Eshel, "A Juglet with a Phoenician Inscription from a Recent Excavation in Jaffa, Israel", Transeuphraténe 12 (1996), pp. 59-63.
- E. Eshel, "4Q471b: A Self Glorification Hymn", RQ 17 (1996), Hommage à Józef T. Milik, pp. 176-203.
- M. Broshi and E. Eshel, "The Greek King is Antiochus IV (4Q248)", JJS 48 (1997), pp. 120-129.
- F.M. Cross and E. Eshel, "Ostraca from Khirbet Qumran", IEJ 47 (1997), pp. 17-28.
- H. Eshel and H. Eshel, "4Q448, Psalm 154 and 4QpIsaa", Tarbiz 67 (1997), pp. 121-130 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel, "A Hebrew Graffito from a Synagogue in Crimea", Jewish Studies Quarterly 5 (1998), pp. 289-299.
- E. Eshel, “An Ink Inscription on a Jar”, in G. Hadas, “A Pyrite and Limonite Mine near the Spring of ‘En Gedi – A Second-Temple-Period Burial and Other Finds”, ‘Atiqot 46 (2004), p. 7 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel and H. Eshel, "A New Fragment of the Book of Watchers from Qumran (XQpap)", Tarbiz 73 (2004), pp. 171-179 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel and H. Eshel, "A Fragment of a Samaritan Inscription from Yavne (Jamnia)", Tarbiz 74 (2005), pp. 313-316 [Hebrew].
- H. Eshel and E. Eshel, "4Q448, Psalm 154 (Syriac), Sirach 48:20 and 4QpIsaa", JBL 119/4 (2000), pp. 645-659.
- E. and H. Eshel, "Toponymic Midrash in 1 Enoch and in Other Second Temple Jewish Literature", Henoch 24 (2002), pp. 115-130.
- E. Eshel, "A Late Iron Age Ostracon Featuring the Term לערכך", IEJ 53 (2003), pp. 151-163.
- E. Eshel, "Mastema's Attempt on Moses' Life in the 'Pseudo-Jubilees' Text from Masada", DSD 10 (2003), pp. 359-364.
- E. Eshel and H. Eshel, "New Fragments from Qumran: 4QGenf, 4QIsab, 4Q226, 8QGen, and XQpapEnoch", DSD 12 (2005), pp. 134-157.
- E. Eshel, "Isaiah 11:15: A New Interpretation Based on the Genesis Apocryphon", DSD 13 (2006), pp. 38-45.
- E. Eshel, E. Puech, and A. Kloner, “Aramaic Scribal Exercises of the Hellenistic Period from Maresha: Bowls A and B”, BASOR 345 (2007), pp. 39-62.
- E. Eshel, H. Eshel and M. Broshi, “A New Fragment of XJudges”, DSD 14 (2007), pp. 354-358.
- E. Eshel and H. Eshel, "A Preliminary Report on Seven New Fragments from Qumran", Meghillot V-VI (2007), pp. 271-278 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel, “Three Inscriptions from the Upper City of Jerusalem”, MAARAV 14 (2007), pp. 27-41, plates I-II.
- E. Netzer, Y. Kalman, R. Porat, R. Chachy, L. Di Segni and E. Eshel, “Two Inscriptions from Herodion”, in Y. Eshel (ed.), Judea and Samaria Research Studies 18 (2009), pp. 85-103 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel, H. Eshel and G. Geiger, “Mur 174: A Hebrew I.O.U. Document from Wadi Murabba‘at”, Liber Annuus 58 (2008), pp. 313-326.
- E. Eshel, H. Eshel and A. Yardeni, “A Document from ‘Year Four of the Destruction of the House of Israel in Which a Widow Declare that she Received All Her Rights”, Cathedra 132 (2009), pp. 5-24 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel, and A. Lange, "'Hear, O Israel' in Gold: An Ancient Amulet from Halbturn in Austria", Journal of Ancient Judaism 1 (2010), pp. 43-64.
- E. Eshel and H. Eshel, "The Noqedim letter from the End of the Judean Kingdom", Beer-Sheva 19 (2010), pp. 17-29 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel, "The Proper Marriage according to the Genesis Apocryphon and Related Texts", Meghillot VIII-IX (2010), pp. 29-51 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel, H. Eshel and A. Yardeni, "A Document from 'Year 4 of the Destruction of the House of Israel", DSD 18 (2011), pp. 1–28.
- E. Eshel, "Azördögűző Jézus az epigráfiai források fényében", Studia Biblica Athansiana 13 (2012), pp. 101-108.
- Zelinger Y., and Eshel E., "Ben Shemen Junction: A Rural Site from the Bar-Kokhba Revolt, in B. Zissu (ed.), "In the Hill Country, in the Aravah South of Kinneroth and in the Shephelah" (Joshua 11, 2), Studies in Honour of Prof. Amos Kloner, [Jerusalem and Eretz-Israel 8-9], Ramat-Gan, 2013, pp. 267-289 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel, "The Proper Marriage According to the Genesis Apocryphon", Cahiers de Revue Biblique 84 [In Memoriam John Strugnell: Four Studies] (2015), pp. 67-83.
- J. Uziel, E. Eshel and N. Szanton, "A Late Iron Age Inscribed Sherd from the City of David", IEJ 65 (2015), pp. 167–178.
- D. Ben-Ami and E. Eshel, "Stone Bowl Bearing the Name Hyrcanus from the Givati Excavations at the City of David". Eretz Israel 32 (2016), pp. 16-20 (Hebrew).
- B. Zissu and E. Eshel, "Ostraca from Horvat 'Ethri in the Judean Foothills", Eretz Israel 32 (2016), pp. 66-74 (Hebrew).
- E. Eshel and I Stern, “Either he elopes with a woman, or acquires (in marriage): New Divination Texts Found in Mareshah”, Studies on the Land of Judea 1 (2017), pp. 25-35 (Hebrew).
- E. Eshel and I. Stern, “Divination Texts of Maresha - Archeology and Texts”, Archaeology and Text 1 (2017), pp. 7-25.
- E. Eshel, “Destruction by Fire in the Genesis Apocryphon and Related Literature”, Meghillot 14 (2019), pp. 181-188. (Hebrew).
- E. Eshel and B. Zissu, “A New Stamp Seal Impression from Tel Socoh”, IEJ 70 (2020), pp. 163-172.
- E. Eshel, “And they asked for themselves the Book and the Wisdom and the Truth” (1Q20 19:25) Learning and Transmission of Knowledge in the Genesis Apocryphon and Related Jewish Texts” Meghillot 15 (2021) , pp. 107-122 (Hebrew).
- E. Eshel and R/ Porat
- E. Eshel, A. Solomon, T. Lieberman, J. Uziel and A. Cohen-Weinberger, “An Aramaic Inscription from beneath Wilson's Arch” ‘Atiqot 106 (2022), pp. 75-88.
- E. Eshel, T. Notarius, A. Dagan, M. Eniukhina, V. Workman and A.M. Maeir, “Two Iron Age Alphabetic Inscriptions from Tell eṣ-Ṣâfi/Gath, Israel”, BASOR 388 (2022),
- D. Ashkenazi, R.Y. Lewis, E. Eshel and O. Tal, “Metallurgical Characterization of a Copper-Alloy Aramaic Inscribed Object from Tulûl Mas‘ud (Elyakhin),” Humans 2 (2022), pp. 177-189.
- E. Eshel and N. Szanton, “A Second Temple Period Inscription on a Stone Ossuary Lid from the City of David, Jerusalem”, ‘Atiqot 106 (2023), pp. 83–88.
- R.Y. Lewis, N. Finkelstein, R.S. Avissar Lewis, E. Eshel, Y. Baruch, Y. Maor, T. Tsach and O. Tal, "An Aramaic-Inscribed Cultic Object from Tulul Mas'ud. Elyakhim", 'Atiqot 119 )2023), pp. 45-64.
- Eshel E., Misgav H., Sar-Avi D., Shukron E., Sebriago A. “A New Aramaic Inscription from a Farmhouse North Jerusalem (Pisgat Ze'ev): Three Hasmonean and One Herodian Ostraca”, Studies in the Land of Judea 6, 2023, pp. 19-42 (Heb.)
- Eshel, H. Misgav and R. Porat “Legal Ostraca from Herodium”, Scripta Classica Israelica 42 (2023), pp. 53-65.
- E. Eshel, H. Misgav, A. Ganor and B. Zissu, “The Potter’s Deal: A Fourth Century BCE Aramaic Economic Inscription Incised on the Shoulder of a Jar”, IEJ 74/1 (2024), pp. 64-80.
Reviews of Books in periodicals
- E. and H. Eshel, Review of M. Maraqten, Die semitischen Personennamen in den alt- und reichsaramäischen Inscriften aus Vorderasien. G. Olms Verlag, Hildesheim, Zürich and New York 1988. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 84 (1994), pp. 199-201.
- E. Eshel, Review of Qumran Cave 4:IX, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges ,Kings, edited by E. Ulrich and F.M. Cross et al. Oxfrod 1995. Dead Sea Discoveries 5 (1998), pp. 111-117.
- E. Eshel, Book Review, A. Lemaire, Nouvelles Inscriptions Arameénnes d’Idumée au Musée d'Israël (Supplément ne 3 Transeuphraténe). Paris: Gabalda, 1996. Qadmoniot 117 (1999), p. 55 [Hebrew].
- E. Eshel, Review J.C. Trever, of The Dead Sea Scrolls in Perspective. North Richmond Hills, Texas: BIBAL Press, 2004. Journal of the American Oriental Society 126 (2006), pp. 273-276.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 15/12/2024