פרופ' אהוד ויס

בנין פיזיקה (203), חדר 015
שעות קבלה
יום א' 16:00 – 15:00 בתיאום מראש (בדוא"ל)
    קורות חיים

    1. Education:


    1989-1992    Bar-Ilan University, B.A. in the Departments of Land of Israel Studies and Life Science

    1995-1996    University College London, Institute of Archaeology, M.Sc. in Bioarchaeology and Geoarchaeology

    1996-2002     Bar-Ilan University, the Departments of Land of Israel Studies, Ph.D. in Archaeobotany


    2. Subject of Ph.D. Dissertation:

    Reconstruction the human economy and society of the Epipalaeolithic site Ohalo II from macrofossil botanical remains.


    Ph.D. Supervisor:

    Prof. Mordechai E. Kislev, Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University


    Post-Doctoral Studies:

    Harvard University, Department of Anthropology, Stone Age Laboratory (Prof. Ofer Bar-Yosef)  


    MacCurdy Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Old World Prehistory and Paleoanthropology. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology.


    Positions in higher educational institutions


    1990-1994             Area Supervisor, Tell Beit-Shemesh excavations (under the directorship of Dr. S. Bunimovitz), Bar-Ilan University.

    1992-1993             Tutor (1992) and Tutor Coordinator (1993), Nature, Science &                                Environment program, Perach: Education & Social project for                                children with social & learning disabilities, Bar-Ilan University.

    1993-1996             Research Assistant (Prof. M. Kislev), Archaeobotany Lab., Dept. of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University.

    1994-1996             Archaeology Teacher, Gifted Children Program, Dept. of                                Education, Municipality of Tel-Aviv.

    1997-2001             Instructor, Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University.

    2000-2001             External Teacher, Department of Land of Israel Studies, Bar-Ilan University.

    2001-2004              MacCurdy Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Old World Prehistory and Paleoanthropology. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology.

    2004-2006              External Teacher, Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology, Bar-Ilan University.

    2006-2011              Visiting Scientist, Kimmel Center for Archaeological Science Weizmann Institute of Science.

    2006-2012              Senior Lecturer. Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology, Bar-Ilan University.

    2012-                      Associate Professor. Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology, Bar-Ilan University.


    3. Instructing Graduate Students.

        A. Names of M.A. Students:

    Chen Auman (Associate Instructor A. Faust)                 

    Oria Amichai


        B. Names of Ph.D. Students

    Ainit Snir

    Sue Frumin 



    4. Scholarships and Prizes

    1992             Excellency scholarship from Straus scholarship committee.

    1993             Excellency scholarship from Straus scholarship committee.

    1995             Excellency scholarship from Krothamer and Shtraus scholarship                      committees.

    1995             Excellency scholarship from the Scholarship Committee, Office of the Academic Secretary, Bar-Ilan University.

    1995-1996    The British Council, Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Anglo-                     Jewish Association Scholarship. £25,000

    1998-9          The Rothschild Foundation, Rothschild Fellowship Scholarship. $35,000

    2001-2004    Harvard University, Department of Anthropology, MacCurdy Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Old World Prehistory and Paleoanthropology. $150,000


    5. Research Grants

    2000             Irene Levi Sala CARE Archaeological Foundation, Research Grant. $5,000

    2006-2009    "Center of Excellence", Israel Science Foundation, grant No. 300/06, with N. Goren-Inbar, M.E. Kislev, R. Rabinovich and Y. Kronfeld. Title: The effect of climate change on the environment and hominins of the Upper Jordan Valley between ca. 800Ka and 700Ka ago as a basis for prediction of future scenarios. 3,712,500 NIS (1,237,500 NIS X 3 years).

    2008-2012    Individual Research Grant, Israel Science Foundation, grant No. 711/08. Title: Economic diversity and space use between occupations of Upper-Palaeolithic Ohalo II: A multi-layer spatial analysis of plant remains. 796,000 NIS (199,000 NIS X 4 years).

    2011-2014    F.I.R.S.T. (Bikura) Individual Grants No. 32/11, with A. Maeir. Title: A paleo-perspective on “Invasion Biology”: A case study from the Late Bronze Age/Iron Age transition at the archaeological site of Tell es-Safi/Gath. 856,000 NIS (214,500 NIS X 4 years).

    2012-2019    SSHRC (Social Science and Humanities Research Council, Canada) Partnership, as CI with H. Greenfield and A. Maeir (PI’s). Title: Nature of early neighbourhoods in Southern Levant: Early Bronze Age as Tell es-Safi. CAN$2,694,791

    2012-2015    White-Levy Program for Archaeological Publications, Harvard University. For the publication of a final report of the archaeobotanical assemblage of Ohalo II. $90,000

    2013-2017    Individual Research Grant, Israel Science Foundation, grant No. 1179/13. Title: Yoram Cave – environment, diet, and molecular evidences for cereals and fruits domestication from the Chalcolithic Period. 1,000,000 NIS (250,000 NIS X 4 years).


    6. Organization of Academic Conferences

    2004         "Ethnobotanist of distant pasts: in honour of Gordon Hillman", The International Society of Ethnobiology - Ninth International Congress, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, together with A. Fairburn

    2006         “Changes in Agriculture Economy and Trade in Antiquity, Meeting in honor of Prof. M. Kislev” Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Life Sciences & the Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology, with O. Simchoni.

    2011         Young researchers meeting, Israel Antiquity Authority and the Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology, together with E. Baruch, O. Marder and A. Gorzalczany.



    7. Previous Employments

    1990-1994    Area supervisor, Tell Beit-Shemesh excavations (Prof. S. Bunimovitz), Bar-Ilan University.

    1992-1993    Tutor (1992) and Tutor Coordinator (1993), Nature, Science & Environment program, Perach: Education & Social project for children with social & learning disabilities, Bar-Ilan University.

    1993-1996    Research assistant (Prof. M. Kislev), Archaeobotany Lab., Dept. of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University.

    1994-1996    Archaeology Teacher, Gifted Children Program, Depatment of Education, Municipality of Tel-Aviv.


    8. Other Professional Experience

    Member of the teaching committee, department of the Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology.

    Member of the young scientist forum of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (2011-2012). 

    Member of the International Work Group for Palaeoethnobotany Committee (2014- ).


    9. Fields of Academic Profession

    (i) Archaeobotany (Palaeoethnobotany): the study of past human activities via studies of the remains of plants in archaeological contexts - reconstructing of past humans' food and environments, past climate, agricultural practices, commerce and economic relationship, social stratification, habitat, food technology, etc. (ii) Plant domestication and the origin and spread of agriculture: the "Founder crops" – the cereals, the pulses, oil and fiber plants – their wild progenitors, first domestication and spread from the core area outbound .




    מרצה בכיר במחלקה ללימודי ארץ-ישראל וארכיאולוגיה, אוניברסיטת בר-אילן.

    פוסט-דוקטורט: המחלקה לאנתרופולוגיה, אוניברסיטת הרווארד.

    דוקטורט (בוטניקה ארכיאולוגית): המחלקה ללימודי א"י וארכיאולוגיה, אוניברסיטת בר אילן.

    תואר שני (ביו- וגיאו-ארכיאולוגיה): המכון לארכיאולוגיה, אוניברסיטת לונדון.

    תחומי מחקר והוראה:  1. בוטניקה ארכיאולוגית: חקר הפעילות האנושית באמצעות שרידי צמחים בחפירות ארכיאולוגיות - שחזור מזונו וסביבתו של האדם בעבר, שחזור האקלים הקדום, שחזור החקלאות הקדומה, הבנת יחסי המסחר והכלכלה, ניתוח הריבוד החברתי, טכנולוגיית המזון  ועוד. 2. מוצא צמחי התַרבות וראשית החקלאות: "האבות המייסדים" - הדגנים, הקטניות, צמחי השמן והסיבים שבויתו לראשונה.

    מחקרים בולטים בשנים האחרונות:  שחזור השדות, המסחר, והכלכלה החקלאית באשקלון של סוף תקופת הברזל; הכלכלה, הסביבה, טכנולוגיית המזון, ואסטרטגיית הליקוט של תושבי אוהלו II בתקופה האפי-פליאוליתית; ראשית החקלאות - השימוש בדגניים לעומת דגנים לאורך התקופות, תיאוריית "הקשת הרחבה" והשלכותיה הבוטניות, קציר לעומת ליקוט דגנים כמפתח להבנת התחלת החקלאות, ניתוח הממצא הבוטני ככלי להבנת התבנית המרחבית-זמנית של ראשית החקלאות.


    תאריך עדכון אחרון : 24/11/2024