Dr. Guy Stiebel
BA in Archaeology and Philosophy (Hebrew University, 1991); MA studies in Archaeology - ABD (Hebrew University, 1994) MPhil in Archaeology (University College London, 1997); PhD in Archaeology (2007); Post-doctorate (Orion Center, Hebrew University, 2007-2009).
Research Areas: Archaeology of the Land of Israel in the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Periods (Classical Archaeology); Land conflict archaeology and history; The Masada Archaeological Project (http://archaeology.huji.ac.il/depart/classical/guys/masada.asp); The relations between archaeology and history sources; The War Scroll (1QM); Material culture of the daily life (Instrumentum domesticum) in Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Land of Israel (Talmudic realia); Aelia Capitolina - Roman Jerusalem
Last Updated Date : 05/12/2022